In gestalt coaching we are very much aware of what is happening ‘right here, right now’. In our coaching conversation with a client, when using a gestalt approach, we are not interested in past events or issues, but only what is presenting at the present moment.

When clients are not used to this coaching approach we explain the underlying principles, and particularly the idea that we can only focus our attention on one thing at a time. The focus of our attention is called the ‘figure’ and the rest of the information and data which is coming in to us, but which we are selecting out, is known as the ‘ground’ [as in ‘background’].

A well-known example of this is the face-vase illustration shown below. It’s not possible to see both the vase and the two faces at the same time.

Do you see a vase or two faces? You cannot perceive both at once!

This underlines our gestalt view that in life and leadership, we filter out huge amounts of data, much of which is possibly very important, but of which we may remain unaware.

In gestalt coaching, we help our clients to see the missing parts, which gives them more information on which to make decisions.

For a really graphic demonstration of the way in which we can miss really very important information, look at this video. If you haven’t seen it before, the chances are you will find it very surprising!